Sunday, March 21, 2010



It is wonderful to finally be in my own home. After spending 39 consecutive days in the hospital undergoing treatment for AML and ALL it is good to sleep in my own bed, eat my own food and just be at rest in my own surroundings.

I have been home almost two weeks. During this time my pain has significantly decreased and I have been able to get off of all pain medications. This is a huge praise as the constant pain was wearing me thin.

Each day I experience a little bit more energy. Because I enjoy being active, I wish my pace could be quicker but I know that I need to be patient as my energy level slowly returns.

I have had so many of you come along side me in prayer and practical help. I am so grateful for you and the ways in which you have blessed me. Thank you.
Here is a picture of me and my new grandson Kyle (4 months old) who came to visit me along with his parents (my son and daughter in law) for the first time at my house. What a joy and blessing he is for me! He fell asleep in my arms! He weighs 14.5 lbs and is super cuddly.

My daughter, Angela, her husband Jeff, and their twins Caleb and Carissa are coming this week to spend time with me. I am so excited to share a wonderful week of family times and to create good memories together.

As my body gains strength and continues to fight for 'life' please pray for wisdom and direction for me on this journey. I continue to believe for God's healing touch on my body and am standing in faith. Thank you again for your prayers and your encouragement.

"Now to Him who, by (in consequence of) the (action of His) power that is at work within us, is able to carry out His purpose and do super-abundantly, far over and above all that we dare, ask or think, infinitely beyond our highest prayers desires, thoughts, hopes or dreams" (Eph. 3:20)

Love to you all,


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Breaking Free

Sharon broke free tonight (March 9).

She broke free from the cage.

Broke free from the confines of her hotel room.

Broke free from the beloved attachment to 'Shadow' (IV station, pic right)

Broke free from the wonderful hospital staff.

Broke free from the terrible food, the aromas, the bed.

And now, after 6 full weeks in the hospital she is happy to be home.



Friday, March 5, 2010

Roller Coaster

Yesterday I shared how Sharon is moving in the right direction. This remains true but her departure home may not be as soon as we hoped.

Her white blood cell count took a large dip down in the past 24 hours. Discharge from the hospital is largely dependent upon this count so this impedes her release. We hope this count does another about-face in the right direction. Quickly.

Sharon is disappointed and drained emotionally. Sometimes the rate of medical changes is dizzying. We feel like we are on an emotional roller coaster. It never ends. It is exhausting.

Please pray for God to grant us the ability to trust Him more fully and to experience His peace in new ways.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

the Right Direction

Good news...

Sharon is heading in the right direction to be released from the hospital in the foreseeable future. We don't know a specific date but it looks like it will be this weekend!

Praise God for these answered prayers:
  • The blood cultures for the blood infection came back negative
  • The intense pain from the wound is feeling an ounce better today - an ounce is not much but its moving in the right direction - keep praying for full healing and freedom from pain
  • Her white blood cell count is responding in a healthy way to the booster that helps to rebuild the cells - as of today Sharon is out of neutropenia and enjoyed fresh produce today (can you imagine not eating fresh fruits and vegetables for 5 weeks?)
Thank you for your continued prayers as Sharon transitions home and continues to walk upright in the journey that God has for her.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Italian Feast for 3

In an effort to lift Mom's spirits we ordered take out and enjoyed an Italian Feast for 3.
It's been a tradition in our family to wear hats when celebrating special occasions. Melanie's wearing the 'beach hat', Mom the 'sailor hat' and Angie the 'pretend to be cool hat'. It added some spice to our evening especially when we paraded down the hallways of the hospital.Here's Melanie sporting her sunning hat with goodwill tag still attached and the beloved mask worn by all who enter Sharon's room.Here's me and mom.
Before the 'big night' I got her all spoofed up. Part of that spoofing involved me cutting her hair. I have no idea how to cut hair. I am not trained nor have I had any practice doing so. But Mom asked me to give her a little trim and I obliged. She was amazingly trusting. So Lorna, when you cut her hair the next time be warned that novice hands gave her a little snip snip.Tiramisu was definitely a highlight of the evening. Mom had been craving the coffee and liquor-soaked layers of sponge cake with mascarpone cheese and chocolate for days. Delicioso!