Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Victory Day

Today, May 26, 2009 is a "Victory Day" with my diagnosis of leukemia, September 17, 2008.

I am so grateful to God of what He has done for me. He has healed my body. May this be a testimony of His goodness and His glory.

I arrived at the hospital (this being the 70th day) and they gave me a local to remove my Hickman line in the surgical room. I will have to admit it was very painful but I am now free from flushing lines daily with saline and heparin solutions and having my port redressed every week. I am so happy to have it removed.

Look at my picture... My hair is growing back!
And, instead of it being straight, it is coming in curly! How fun is that? I have received wonderful care and kindness with all of the doctors and nurses. Today I was able to visit the oncology floor and see Rachelle, the head nurse, and the nursing staff who shared in my good news. They have all witnessed the "miracle" that I am and have seen the answered prayers of many. Thank you!

It has been a wonderful, emotional day!

God Bless,

Love, Sharon

Thursday, May 21, 2009

I received great, outstanding, fabulous news as I went for my blood checkup. Victory in the name of Jesus!!!! His wonderful, miracle working power has been so evident in my journey with leukemia and I am in remission.

I have such a thankful heart and am praising God each day for my strength and endurance.

My blood counts are going up each week and Tuesday, May 26, 2009, I will go in the hospital for a surgical procedure to remove the Hickman line/port that I have had since September 17, 2008. I am rejoicing!

Be not conformed, but be transformed into the body of Faith, knowing that my Words
are alive evermore. Believe, speak, and obtain that your "joy" may be full and you shall be complete in Me."

I know that you will rejoice with me and celebrate His Goodness to me.
My God is so faithful and He is my Healer!

In His Grip and Care, Love,


Thursday, May 7, 2009

09 Relay for Life

On May 2, 2009 I had the privilege to be part of the Glendale Relay for Life, a team event to fight cancer which was put on by the American Cancer Society to raise money for cancer research.
Relay for Life has 5000 events in the U.S. Since I hadn't attended an event before I did not know what to expect. This time I went by myself so that I could meet new friends.

The event was held at Ironwood High School surrounding their ¼ mile track. About 3,000 people were in attendance with close to 30 cancer survivors (including ME!). There were many booths around the track selling baked goods, jewelry, and t-shirts. I believe the event raised close to $110,000.

During the opening ceremonies they had two doctors speak. They also honored a 16 yr old, Saulo Morris, who went to Thunderbird High School and was in the band who was diagnosed with AML leukemia in 2007 and who died in 2008. There were many kids from THS that were there to honor him. He touched many people lives and to celebrate him they let balloons go. THS raised $20,000 for the National Bone Marrow Registry Fund.Next all of the survivors walked around the track with our purple t-shirts with metal of “Hope” to wear around our neck. As I approached the track, I looked around and there were people everywhere at the sidelines clapping for each one of us as we walked around the track.
It was very moving and I will have to admit I shed some tears. Just to look around and see that I was one that had made it. I said “Victory” in the name of Jesus!

The candle lighting ceremony later that evening was very moving and one I will not forget. They first turned out all the lights and lit 3 candles, and then each one was given a candle to light someone else's candle. Many were there to honor a love one who died of cancer, a family member who had fought the good fight or a good friend that they had loss. There was complete silence when lighting the candles and then everyone began to walk around the track. In the bleachers they had luminaries lit to spell “Hope” and luminaries all around the track with a love
one's name on the bag. To see all the thousands of lights around the track was so beautiful. It was a special evening!
...................................I am a SURVIVOR!.....................................

Love, Sharon