Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Slow Recovery

Sharon is having a very difficult time. She does not feel well and is having a psychological reaction to her condition, particularly with her slow recovery.
Her white blood cell count went up from .2 to .4 and needs to be above 4.0 before she is released from the hospital. Normal range is 4.8-12.something (x1000). She also needs to be able to eat as she is still being fed through an IV.

I am leaving on a flight tomorrow morning to be with her.

In His Grip,



Debbie (...and tom...) said...

May you feel God's loving touch through your beautiful daughter, Angie, this weekend. We will continue to lift you up in prayer through this difficult time. "God is our refuge and strength, an ever present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear." Psalm 46:1-2. May God be your refuge and strength now!

Carrie said...

Sharon and Angie ... WE LOVE YOU BOTH! I'll be giving you a squeeze from a distance this weekend!

Kim said...

Sharon and Angie -

We will be praying for you as you are together this weekend. May God's presence and grace fill your hospital room as He heals your body. Hugs to you both - Love, Brian and Kim

Anonymous said...

Aunt Sharon and Angie, I LOVE YOU!!! I am praying for your recovery and I KNOW the Lord has you held in His arms. Hold WILL get through this!! You are stronger than you think and remember the Lord will never give us more than we can handle. Love you both!!