Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Remission Denied

My mom received the results of the bone marrow biopsy yesterday afternoon.

Remission was denied. She is not in remission.

The chemo did slow the leukemic cells however 5% leukemic cells remain.

While that sounds like good news (which it partly is) 5% wouldn't be much different than a higher percentage because the rate of multiplication is extremely rapid. This rapid metastasizing is due in part to her fighting two types of Leukemia (AML & ALL).

Dr. V is recommending further chemotherapy starting today. He strongly urged Sharon to accept the chemo now as waiting is not in her best interest.

If Sharon does not get these chemo drugs today her time here would be very short - possibly only weeks.

The hope is that this chemo will shock her system and get rid of the 5% of remaining leukemic cells.

Dr. V estimates that Sharon will be in the hospital another 2 weeks. She was admitted 3 weeks ago today. Please pray that her time will pass quickly as she truly loathes being in that tiny room.

As you can probably imagine my Mom was extremely downhearted yesterday. As are all of our family. This disease is absolutely devastating.

Please, keep praying for my Mom and check the blogs for up-dates.

In His Grip,

(Sharon's daughter)


Unknown said...

Dear Sharon, Angela, Brian, Patty and Melanie,
My heart is heavy but I won't give up hope for my friend. To know Sharon is to love her. I will not stop praying and will pray for the days to go quickly so she can get out and spend time with her loved ones. How I wish I was closer for support.

The Richàrd Family said...

I'm continuing to pray for you and your family. If you ever need someone to talk to who has walked this road before, know that I am here for you. Of course every person's experience with cancer is unique, but I DO understand the stress and anxiety as well as the fear that EVERY person feels when they watch someone they love battle this ugly disease. My heart breaks for your mom, for you, for the entire family. May the Lord's presence continue to be a comfort and a source of hope for ALL of you.

Candace said...

Dearest Lambie, I wept many tears when I received your recent report but then I heard the voice of the Lord & He said, are you just going to sit there & feel sorry for yourself or will you rise up w/ Me & put on your Warrior Bride attire & command every demon, giant & "ite" out of Sharon's promise land? I said....Lord, with you All things ARE possible....let's go to battle. This Leukemia & every other giant in the land HAS been defeated! Sharon, don't dispair. He knows the plans He has for you...Plans to prosper you & not harm you. If you could see by the Spirit, breakthrough is so close. You are about to have angelic visitation & they are bringing God's healing in their wings straight from His throme room. I love you with all my heart. Mike & Candace

Unknown said...

Hello Sharon,
Sometimes words aren't enough to share with someone who is SO special and loved SO much! All the knowledge and teachings in the world don't compare with just giving someone a big hug! So here is a big hug ( ) from me to you!!! I love you and am keeping prayers sent heavenward for the healing in your body!!! Believing with you because OUR GOD IS A GOOD GOD and can touch your body in a moment and you will be healed!! Love and blessings,
Sue "from Minnesota"